• 610-321-1200
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Our Goals

Goal 1: Become a more Engaging Parish
To be a faith filled and inviting Catholic community that welcomes and engages all people, wherever they are in their spiritual journey.

Goal 2: Expand Family Faith Formation Programs
To develop opportunities at all stages of family life that enrich relationships and bring Christ into our homes.

Goal 3: Strengthen Youth and Young Adult Faith Formation Programs
To offer relevant programs to nourish in youth and young adults a deeper personal relationship with Christ, their Catholic faith and the parish community.

Goal 4: Continue to Grow Our Stewardship Identity
To increase participation and strengthen our commitment to live a stewardship way of life by sharing God’s gifts of time, talent and treasure.
Goal 5: Enhance Parish Communications
To expand the use of communication and marketing programs and tools to reach more parishioners, promote parish activities and grow a more informed and connected parish community.

Goal 6: Encourage Leadership Development
To encourage leadership and to develop relevant skills within our parish community, parish school and parish staff to live out the parish mission.