• 610-321-1200
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Pre-Jordan Team

Our Mission:

Our Pre-Jordan team leads learning sessions that engage and provide couples with an understanding of the theology of Baptism, the ritual of the Sacrament, along with their responsibilities as parents. The team also shares practical information regarding Baptism at at Saint Elizabeth Parish.

What We Do:

Assigned team couples assist parishioners preparing to have their child baptized. Per-Jordan I is offered to couples seeking baptism for their first child while Pre-Jordan II is geared to couples seeking baptism for their following child(ren). Team couples assist a priest or deacon during his presentation on the Sacrament of Baptism. The couples share their insights as parents and an awareness of the responsibilities of Christian parenting. A second team couple provides hospitality and babysitting services during sessions as needed. This ministry is open to all adult parishioner couples at designated times during the year.

Contact: Matt Pfeiffenberger, 610-646-6550, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..