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Introducing TOGETHER: Saint Elizabeth's Newly Created Retreat Program

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Fall 2019 Retreat Dates:

Women's Retreat: Friday/Saturday, September 27-28, 2019

Men's Retreat: Friday/Saturday, October 18-19,2019

Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20) When Jesus is in our midst, great things happen – this is what Saint Elizabeth’s new retreat program is all about!


TOGETHER is designed to unite us with our Catholic faith, with Christ and with the rest of our community of believers. It replaces the Christ Renews His Parish retreat program which engaged nearly 300 parishioners since October 2013. The TOGETHER program offers a more flexible program design and allows participants greater flexibility in how to spend their time.

Separate retreats are planned for men and women to grow in faith, meet others within the parish community and unplug from the pressures of life. The TOGETHER retreats run from 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM on Friday evenings, and 7:30 AM through the 5:30 PM Mass on Saturday evenings.

Unlike the previous retreat program, participants may now chose either to sleep at home on Friday night or to stay onsite for Adoration of the Blessed

Sacrament (sleeping accommodations are provided at the parish for those staying onsite). The overall length of the program has been reduced by three hours. Meals and snacks are provided during the retreat. There is no cost to attend.

Parishioner Chris Hill has participated in every CRHP retreat at Saint Elizabeth since 2013 and has worked with a team of parishioners to design the new program. “Weekends are precious time, and we get that. So, we decided to remove the major barriers to participation like the overnight stay and the longer time commitment,” Hill explained. “But it’s worth it – in fact, I call a retreat like TOGETHER spiritual jumper cables. They always re-energize my faith life.”

Presented by Saint Elizabeth Parishioners

The TOGETHER retreat is a special time to step away from a busy life to focus on your Catholic faith and your relationship with God. It includes prayer, sacraments, group activities and an opportunity to form new friendships with other Saint Elizabeth parishioners.

The goal is to provide an open, comfortable environment where parishioners can learn from others and grow in their Catholic faith.

“Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, there is a spot at the table for you,” said Hill. “You don’t need to attend Mass every day or have a master’s degree in theology to enjoy this experience.”

TOGETHER features guided reflections on various topics, such as The Father’s Loving Care, Scripture, Eucharist and Catholic Community. There are small-group activities, too.

“All you have to do is be present,” Hill added. “There is no pressure to share your faith with others unless you chose to do so. Parishioners on the retreat team will give witness to their experiences and Catholic faith during the sessions.”

Feeling the Tug?

If you are feeling that little tug, drawing you toward a retreat, listen! TOGETHER is a brand-new program designed specifically for you. As Hill said, “Trust your gut, and go in to the retreat with an open mind. You’ll be incredibly rewarded. The experience is really pretty awesome.”

For more information and to sign up, visit the parish website www.stelizabethparish.org and look for the TOGETHER logo, or call the parish office.

~Lisa Barbadora